Scent Detection Class FAQ
Your Questions. Answered.
What do I need to bring to class?
Bring a hungry, happy dog!
A well fitted back clip harness
6ft flat lead
Lots of high value treats, we mean LOTS- cut into small pieces, easily consumable and non crumbly. Hot dogs, chicken, steak etc work well.
How many dogs per class?
There are 3 dogs in each class.
Dogs will work independently as limited distractions are important while your dog is learning.
What do I do with my dog while someone else is working?
While your dog is not working, I ask that you please keep your dog in your car. This limits distractions and allows all dogs to join, even dog reactive dogs!
Do you offer more levels?
Yes! In conjunction with Doggone Smart Nosework we will have scent work classes and workshops all the way up to trial level.
Can any dog do Scent Detection?
Any size, age and breed of dog can do Nosework.
What scents do you use?
SDDA (Sporting Detection dog Association) scents.
These include wintergreen, pine and thyme.
How do I register?
Click the up coming classes tab for more details and scheduling.
Classes are $250 for 5 sessions.
Payment is required to secure your spot. Limited availability.
How do I pay for a class?
E-transfer can be sent to pawcademydogs@gmail.com
Before payment, please email me with your name, dogs name, age, breed and any details about your dog you feel are important.
Password: please make the password the type of class01
Example: Nosework01